
The Virtues of Summer reading

Kids hate that phrase.  It brings to mind books they haven’t chosen themselves and will have to report on in some way when they get back to school in the fall, which they don’t want to think about anyway.  But I love it.  I read year-round, often as much as a book a week (you can see what I read on Goodreads if you are so inclined), but summer reading is better.  Why?  Several reasons:  I can read outside for the most part, I have more vacation time, on the best days I can read at the beach, and I can put aside any thoughts of what I should read or what would be good for me to read and read what I want.  I want what I always want:  characters that speak to me and stories that I wish would never end.  My to-be-read list is ever-expanding, and I have few greater thrills that opening the front cover of a new book and beginning.  Ah, that’s summer.


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