
How to get a buzz (besides that)

First, let's define buzz. Besides the obvious, the drinking buzz. Yeah, I'm over that. What are we talking about here? For some, that's literally what the buzz is: what we are talking about. And the way to get talked about in our current society seems to be to act as outrageously as possible and tell everyone you know about it via all possible social media outlets. Then, with any luck, it goes viral. Okay, so there's that. For me buzz is a little more. Buzz is a physical feeling that I get when I like something, that little jolt of adrenaline when I interact--sight, smell, touch, sound, taste--with something good. This has happened to me a few times recently, so I'll share:

I started reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, 771 pages, and zing, I was hooked on page 3.
I had two bites (long story) of key lime pie at Thanksgiving. Yum beyond belief.
I heard "Red Rag Top," the new Tim McGraw song, and it threw me back to high school in a flash.
I touched a crazy soft cashmere sweater in Theory, yup, sand-colored, and yearned.
I got an email from another blogger saying she loved my book. Yay!

The buzz is important because it shows us we're alive, really participating in this life. Sure, I'll take the viral one (anyone making the YouTube video for me?), but I'll also take the everyday hits.

What gives you the buzz?

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