
Like Summer in Winter! Book Review: The Winter Street series

Everyone who knows me even a little knows how much I love summer. And the beach. And the sun and the water and the sand. But. Elin Hilderbrand has done the impossible: she has written a beach trilogy for the winter! On Nantucket! It was so much fun. I love the Quinns. I want the Quinns to adopt me. Of course they have way too much dysfunction to go through the paperwork, but still. Read it. You'll laugh. You'll savor. You might even feel your eyes mist. Happy Holidays!

Winter Street
Winter Stroll
Winter Storms


Misery, Rancor, and Angst: Or, The Three Graces

Now available in print in my e-store
and from Amazon in print or e-book

Origin Story

I know, I know, it's been two years, but it's out!
This dark contemporary fairy tale has been brewing in the back of my mind, developing on Pinterest, and sending its tendrils through my own reading. The Three Graces emerges as the story of three talented, determined girls searching for a way to bring down an ogre. And given recent history, I think we can all relate to a story like that ;)

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― Neil Gaiman, Coraline